Going Home Phase 1 and 2 Completed July 2019: The 2018 Charity Golf Classic proceeds will used for renovation and landscaping of Tieman Village; comprised of 7 rental units, located on Woodlawn Street in the Lake Bellevue Revitalization Neighborhood, and purchased by the Foundation in partnership with Pinellas County, Community Development and Planning Division and City of Clearwater, Economic Development and Housing Department. Currently, 13 former homeless adults and children live at Tieman Village.
Going Home Phase 3 and 4 Completed May 2021: The 2019 Charity Golf Classic, proceeds were dedicated to completing Phase 3 which included the rehab of a triplex at 1537 S. Myrtle Street, Clearwater, named Gehrand Village. These two-bedroom, two-bath units currently house 5 former homeless adults. Phase 4 was supported to renovate a duplex with two single units donated by the Emrani Family to serve 2 former homeless veterans.
Other partner architects of the Going Home Coalition include well-established nonprofit organizations and faith-based organizations working in the homelessness arena in Clearwater: The Refuge Outreach Church, Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church of Clearwater, St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen and Community Resource Center- Clearwater, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Clearwater Police Department, the Church of Scientology, the Joy of Gospel Ministries and the Homeless Empowerment Program (HEP).

Lake Bellevue Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (LBNRSA)
The LBNRSA includes Census Tracts 258.00. According to HUD 2015 Low/Mod data, the LBNRSA has a population of 3,790 persons of which 59% are considered low to moderate income. Additionally, the 2010-2014 ACS reported that 29% of persons in the LBNRSA were living below the poverty level during the past 12 months, compared to a citywide percentage of
The total land area for the LBNRSA is approximately 0.7 square mile. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the population in the area is relatively young with the median age being 34 years.
There are approximately 935 families in the area with 446, or 29% of the families living as married couples, and 392, or 25.5%, of the families living as a single female householder, with no husband present.
The area is also primarily residential in nature. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, there are a total of 1,784 housing units in this area. Out of the 1,784 housing units, 13.8% is vacant.
According to the 2010-2014 ACS, the median homeowner occupied value in this area is lower than the rest of the City. The median value of homes in Lake Bellevue is $101,600. The median value of owner-occupied homes in the City of Clearwater is $153,900.
According to the 2010-2014 ACS, the median household income for the City of Clearwater is $43,306. The median household income for Lake Bellevue is $26,271.
The needs in this target area.
The needs of the Lake Bellevue NRSA include (1) housing activities such as housing rehabilitation, homebuyer assistance, new affordable housing (single-family), and redevelopment of underutilized properties; (2) homeless activities such as rapid rehousing, flexible emergency funds, and continued coordination with the Continuum of Care; (3) non-homeless special needs activities serving the youth and elderly, programs to support literacy and job-readiness, and a community resource center or directory to list available services; and (4) community development activities such as blight removal, code enforcement, public safety, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, traffic calming, street improvements, park improvements, recreation access, and neighborhood beautification.